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Why is the density of the population high in the Terai region?

 The Terai region of Nepal is located in the southernmost part of the country and is bordered by India to the south. The region is characterized by its fertile plains, which are formed by the alluvial deposits of the Himalayan rivers. The density of the population is high in the Terai region due to several factors:

1. Fertile agricultural land: The Terai region has some of the most fertile agricultural lands in Nepal, which supports a high level of agricultural productivity. This has attracted a large number of people to the region to engage in agriculture, leading to a high population density.

2. Accessibility: The Terai region is easily accessible by road and rail from various parts of Nepal and India. This has facilitated trade and commerce and has led to the growth of industries and businesses in the region, attracting more people to settle there.

3. Climate: The Terai region has a subtropical climate, which is suitable for the cultivation of crops such as rice, sugarcane, and jute. The availability of water and favorable weather conditions have made the region a hub of agricultural activities, leading to a high population density.

4. Migration: The Terai region has also been a destination for people from other parts of Nepal who have migrated in search of better economic opportunities. The region's proximity to the border with India has also facilitated cross-border migration.

Overall, the combination of fertile agricultural land, accessibility, favorable climate, and migration has led to a high population density in the Terai region of Nepal.

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