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East India might be less populated compared to other regions.

(Note: AI-generated content)

An elucidation on the probable causes behind the comparatively smaller populace of East India in contrast to other areas.

The eastern part of India, commonly referred to as East India, encompasses states such as West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, and the northeastern states. Various factors contribute to the relatively lower density of population in this locale:

1. Geographical Factors: This region of East India is characterized by mountainous terrain, dense forests, and riverine areas, rendering certain zones less suitable for extensive farming and human inhabitation. These geographical attributes can restrict the availability of cultivable land, resulting in lower population densities.

2. Historical Factors: Historically, the eastern region of India has witnessed diverse population patterns and migrations. Invasions, trade routes, and cultural exchanges have influenced population distribution in this region differently compared to other parts of India.

3. Economic Opportunities: Economic prospects frequently sway population distribution. Certain areas may offer better employment prospects and economic growth, attracting a larger influx of settlers. Conversely, regions with limited economic opportunities may experience slower population growth.

4. Infrastructure and Development: Regions with superior infrastructure and development tend to allure more individuals seeking improved living conditions and prospects. Parts of East India might have faced challenges in infrastructure development, leading to a deceleration in population growth.

5. Political and Social Factors: Political stability, social and cultural dynamics, and governmental policies can also shape population distribution within a nation. Political unrest or inadequate government support in a specific region can impede population growth.

Bear in mind that the actual causes for the lower population density in East India may vary, depending on the specific context and historical events of the region. For a more in-depth and accurate understanding, it is advisable to consult reliable sources or conduct further research on the topic.

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